Craig Sherod Photography


San Jose

Corporate Photography: Headshots – Part 3 – After the Shoot

CORPORATE HEADSHOT PHOTOGRAPHY SAN FRANCISCO, SILICON VALLEY,  SAN JOSE, AND MONTEREY CA My previous posts about headshots have focused on the type of shot that’s right for you and how to get it. This post will focus more on issues that come up after the images have been captured. This includes topics like image selection, image […]

Corporate Photography: Headshots – Part 2

CORPORATE HEADSHOT PHOTOGRAPHY SAN FRANCISCO, SILICON VALLEY, AND SAN JOSE CA In Part 1 of this blog post, I talked about how to choose the type of corporate portrait that’s right for you. In Part 2, I’ll discuss a few issues that are common when considering any type of business portrait, such as clothing choice, […]

Spending Less and Getting More from Corporate Event Photography

EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY SAN FRANCISCO, SILICON VALLEY, AND SAN JOSE CA In the last few years, I’ve noticed that I have a higher success rate landing big multi-day corporate event photography jobs when I’m in direct contact with the actual client or someone with significant responsibility for the success of the event.   Sometimes, I get the […]